In recent years, Aqua Metals has spent time building a name for itself as a leading pioneer in the battery recycling sector. We’ve seen changes in approach and recycling methods, but the goal of creating a more sustainable future through environmentally friendly recycling has stayed the same.
For this Global Recycling Day, check out some of our recent highlights and multimedia that outline our commitment to sustainable battery material recycling:
Past, Present, and Future
CEO & President Steve Cotton sits down with Latitude Media to discuss Aqua Metals’ origins, the current battery recycling landscape, and how Aqua Metals plans to change it in the future.
Fully Operational
Last year, Aqua Metals announced that our pilot facility, also known as the innovation center would be moving to 24/5 operations. Steve Cotton spoke on the decision and what it means for the future of the company. Check out the full collection of DeepDive episodes.
Building The ARC
A lot of progress has been made since Aqua Metals revealed plans to build its first commercial-scale factory campus, known as the Sierra ARC. Check out our time-lapse compilation of Building One’s renovations!
Power Through Partnership
For Aqua Metals to fully realize our vision for a circular supply chain, it is imperative to have partnerships and cooperation with other industry members. Learn more about Aqua Metals’ partnerships that are pushing us toward a circular future.
A Changing Landscape
Check out C&EN’s newest article on the lithium battery industry and how Aqua Metals is navigating through the recycling space with innovative clean technologies.